dictionary argument of rule()
, aspect()
, repository_rule()
and tag_class()
. See the Rules page for more on defining and using attributes.
- bool
- int
- int_list
- label
- label_keyed_string_dict
- label_list
- output
- output_list
- string
- string_dict
- string_keyed_label_dict
- string_list
- string_list_dict
Attribute attr.bool(configurable=unbound, default=False, doc=None, mandatory=False)
attribute will be of type bool
Parameter | Description |
bool; or unbound;
default is unbound This argument can only be specified for an attribute of a symbolic macro. If For an attribute of a rule or aspect, |
default is False A default value to use if no value for this attribute is given when instantiating the rule. |
string; or None ;
default is None A description of the attribute that can be extracted by documentation generating tools. |
default is False If true, the value must be specified explicitly (even if it has a default ).
Attribute, default=0, doc=None, mandatory=False, values=[])
attribute will be of type int
Parameter | Description |
bool; or unbound;
default is unbound This argument can only be specified for an attribute of a symbolic macro. If For an attribute of a rule or aspect, |
default is 0 A default value to use if no value for this attribute is given when instantiating the rule. |
string; or None ;
default is None A description of the attribute that can be extracted by documentation generating tools. |
default is False If true, the value must be specified explicitly (even if it has a default ).
sequence of ints;
default is [] The list of allowed values for the attribute. An error is raised if any other value is given. |
Attribute attr.int_list(mandatory=False, allow_empty=True, *, configurable=unbound, default=[], doc=None)
Parameter | Description |
default is False If true, the value must be specified explicitly (even if it has a default ).
default is True True if the attribute can be empty. |
bool; or unbound;
default is unbound This argument can only be specified for an attribute of a symbolic macro. If For an attribute of a rule or aspect, |
sequence of ints;
default is [] A default value to use if no value for this attribute is given when instantiating the rule. |
string; or None ;
default is None A description of the attribute that can be extracted by documentation generating tools. |
Attribute attr.label(configurable=unbound, default=None, materializer=None, doc=None, executable=False, allow_files=None, allow_single_file=None, mandatory=False, skip_validations=False, providers=[], for_dependency_resolution=unbound, allow_rules=None, cfg=None, aspects=[], flags=[])
Creates a schema for a label attribute. This is a dependency attribute.
This attribute contains unique Label
values. If a string is supplied in place of a Label
, it will be converted using the label constructor. The relative parts of the label path, including the (possibly renamed) repository, are resolved with respect to the instantiated target's package.
At analysis time (within the rule's implementation function), when retrieving the attribute value from ctx.attr
, labels are replaced by the corresponding Target
s. This allows you to access the providers of the current target's dependencies.
In addition to ordinary source files, this kind of attribute is often used to refer to a tool -- for example, a compiler. Such tools are considered to be dependencies, just like source files. To avoid requiring users to specify the tool's label every time they use the rule in their BUILD files, you can hard-code the label of a canonical tool as the default
value of this attribute. If you also want to prevent users from overriding this default, you can make the attribute private by giving it a name that starts with an underscore. See the Rules page for more information.
Parameter | Description |
bool; or unbound;
default is unbound This argument can only be specified for an attribute of a symbolic macro. If For an attribute of a rule or aspect, |
Label; or string; or LateBoundDefault; or NativeComputedDefault; or function; or None ;
default is None A default value to use if no value for this attribute is given when instantiating the rule.Use a string or the Label function to specify a default value, for example, attr.label(default = "//a:b") .
default is None Experimental. This parameter is experimental and may change at any time. Please do not depend on it. It may be enabled on an experimental basis by setting --experimental_dormant_deps If set, the attribute materializes dormant dependencies from the transitive closure. The value of this parameter must be a functon that gets access to the values of the attributes of the rule that either are not dependencies or are marked as available for dependency resolution. It must return either a dormant dependency or a list of them depending on the type of the attribute |
string; or None ;
default is None A description of the attribute that can be extracted by documentation generating tools. |
default is False True if the dependency has to be executable. This means the label must refer to an executable file, or to a rule that outputs an executable file. Access the label with ctx.executable.<attribute_name> .
bool; or sequence of strings; or None ;
default is None Whether File targets are allowed. Can be True , False (default), or a list of file extensions that are allowed (for example, [".cc", ".cpp"] ).
default is None This is similar to allow_files , with the restriction that the label must correspond to a single File. Access it through ctx.file.<attribute_name> .
default is False If true, the value must be specified explicitly (even if it has a default ).
default is False If true, validation actions of transitive dependencies from this attribute will not run. This is a temporary mitigation and WILL be removed in the future. |
default is [] The providers that must be given by any dependency appearing in this attribute. The format of this argument is a list of lists of providers -- |
default is unbound If this is set, the attribute is available for materializers. Only rules marked with the flag of the same name are allowed to be referenced through such attributes. |
sequence of strings; or None ;
default is None Which rule targets (name of the classes) are allowed. This is deprecated (kept only for compatibility), use providers instead. |
default is None Configuration of the attribute. It can be either "exec" , which indicates that the dependency is built for the execution platform , or "target" , which indicates that the dependency is build for the target platform . A typical example of the difference is when building mobile apps, where the target platform is Android or iOS while the execution platform is Linux , macOS , or Windows . This parameter is required if executable is True to guard against accidentally building host tools in the target configuration. "target" has no semantic effect, so don't set it when executable is False unless it really helps clarify your intentions.
sequence of Aspects;
default is [] Aspects that should be applied to the dependency or dependencies specified by this attribute. |
sequence of strings;
default is [] Deprecated, will be removed. |
Attribute attr.label_keyed_string_dict(allow_empty=True, *, configurable=unbound, default={}, doc=None, allow_files=None, allow_rules=None, providers=[], for_dependency_resolution=unbound, flags=[], mandatory=False, skip_validations=False, cfg=None, aspects=[])
Creates a schema for an attribute holding a dictionary, where the keys are labels and the values are strings. This is a dependency attribute.
This attribute contains unique Label
values. If a string is supplied in place of a Label
, it will be converted using the label constructor. The relative parts of the label path, including the (possibly renamed) repository, are resolved with respect to the instantiated target's package.
At analysis time (within the rule's implementation function), when retrieving the attribute value from ctx.attr
, labels are replaced by the corresponding Target
s. This allows you to access the providers of the current target's dependencies.
Parameter | Description |
default is True True if the attribute can be empty. |
bool; or unbound;
default is unbound This argument can only be specified for an attribute of a symbolic macro. If For an attribute of a rule or aspect, |
dict; or function;
default is {} A default value to use if no value for this attribute is given when instantiating the rule.Use strings or the Label function to specify default values, for example, attr.label_keyed_string_dict(default = {"//a:b": "value", "//a:c": "string"}) .
string; or None ;
default is None A description of the attribute that can be extracted by documentation generating tools. |
bool; or sequence of strings; or None ;
default is None Whether File targets are allowed. Can be True , False (default), or a list of file extensions that are allowed (for example, [".cc", ".cpp"] ).
sequence of strings; or None ;
default is None Which rule targets (name of the classes) are allowed. This is deprecated (kept only for compatibility), use providers instead. |
default is [] The providers that must be given by any dependency appearing in this attribute. The format of this argument is a list of lists of providers -- |
default is unbound If this is set, the attribute is available for materializers. Only rules marked with the flag of the same name are allowed to be referenced through such attributes. |
sequence of strings;
default is [] Deprecated, will be removed. |
default is False If true, the value must be specified explicitly (even if it has a default ).
default is False If true, validation actions of transitive dependencies from this attribute will not run. This is a temporary mitigation and WILL be removed in the future. |
default is None Configuration of the attribute. It can be either "exec" , which indicates that the dependency is built for the execution platform , or "target" , which indicates that the dependency is build for the target platform . A typical example of the difference is when building mobile apps, where the target platform is Android or iOS while the execution platform is Linux , macOS , or Windows .
sequence of Aspects;
default is [] Aspects that should be applied to the dependency or dependencies specified by this attribute. |
Attribute attr.label_list(allow_empty=True, *, configurable=unbound, default=[], materializer=None, doc=None, allow_files=None, allow_rules=None, providers=[], for_dependency_resolution=unbound, flags=[], mandatory=False, skip_validations=False, cfg=None, aspects=[])
Creates a schema for a list-of-labels attribute. This is a dependency attribute. The corresponding ctx.attr
attribute will be of type list of Target
This attribute contains unique Label
values. If a string is supplied in place of a Label
, it will be converted using the label constructor. The relative parts of the label path, including the (possibly renamed) repository, are resolved with respect to the instantiated target's package.
At analysis time (within the rule's implementation function), when retrieving the attribute value from ctx.attr
, labels are replaced by the corresponding Target
s. This allows you to access the providers of the current target's dependencies.
Parameter | Description |
default is True True if the attribute can be empty. |
bool; or unbound;
default is unbound This argument can only be specified for an attribute of a symbolic macro. If For an attribute of a rule or aspect, |
sequence of Labels; or function;
default is [] A default value to use if no value for this attribute is given when instantiating the rule.Use strings or the Label function to specify default values, for example, attr.label_list(default = ["//a:b", "//a:c"]) .
default is None Experimental. This parameter is experimental and may change at any time. Please do not depend on it. It may be enabled on an experimental basis by setting --experimental_dormant_deps If set, the attribute materializes dormant dependencies from the transitive closure. The value of this parameter must be a functon that gets access to the values of the attributes of the rule that either are not dependencies or are marked as available for dependency resolution. It must return either a dormant dependency or a list of them depending on the type of the attribute |
string; or None ;
default is None A description of the attribute that can be extracted by documentation generating tools. |
bool; or sequence of strings; or None ;
default is None Whether File targets are allowed. Can be True , False (default), or a list of file extensions that are allowed (for example, [".cc", ".cpp"] ).
sequence of strings; or None ;
default is None Which rule targets (name of the classes) are allowed. This is deprecated (kept only for compatibility), use providers instead. |
default is [] The providers that must be given by any dependency appearing in this attribute. The format of this argument is a list of lists of providers -- |
default is unbound If this is set, the attribute is available for materializers. Only rules marked with the flag of the same name are allowed to be referenced through such attributes. |
sequence of strings;
default is [] Deprecated, will be removed. |
default is False If true, the value must be specified explicitly (even if it has a default ).
default is False If true, validation actions of transitive dependencies from this attribute will not run. This is a temporary mitigation and WILL be removed in the future. |
default is None Configuration of the attribute. It can be either "exec" , which indicates that the dependency is built for the execution platform , or "target" , which indicates that the dependency is build for the target platform . A typical example of the difference is when building mobile apps, where the target platform is Android or iOS while the execution platform is Linux , macOS , or Windows .
sequence of Aspects;
default is [] Aspects that should be applied to the dependency or dependencies specified by this attribute. |
Attribute attr.output(doc=None, mandatory=False)
Creates a schema for an output (label) attribute.
This attribute contains unique Label
values. If a string is supplied in place of a Label
, it will be converted using the label constructor. The relative parts of the label path, including the (possibly renamed) repository, are resolved with respect to the instantiated target's package.
At analysis time, the corresponding File
can be retrieved using ctx.outputs
Parameter | Description |
string; or None ;
default is None A description of the attribute that can be extracted by documentation generating tools. |
default is False If true, the value must be specified explicitly (even if it has a default ).
Attribute attr.output_list(allow_empty=True, *, doc=None, mandatory=False)
This attribute contains unique Label
values. If a string is supplied in place of a Label
, it will be converted using the label constructor. The relative parts of the label path, including the (possibly renamed) repository, are resolved with respect to the instantiated target's package.
At analysis time, the corresponding File
can be retrieved using ctx.outputs
Parameter | Description |
default is True True if the attribute can be empty. |
string; or None ;
default is None A description of the attribute that can be extracted by documentation generating tools. |
default is False If true, the value must be specified explicitly (even if it has a default ).
Attribute attr.string(configurable=unbound, default='', doc=None, mandatory=False, values=[])
Parameter | Description |
bool; or unbound;
default is unbound This argument can only be specified for an attribute of a symbolic macro. If For an attribute of a rule or aspect, |
string; or NativeComputedDefault;
default is '' A default value to use if no value for this attribute is given when instantiating the rule. |
string; or None ;
default is None A description of the attribute that can be extracted by documentation generating tools. |
default is False If true, the value must be specified explicitly (even if it has a default ).
sequence of strings;
default is [] The list of allowed values for the attribute. An error is raised if any other value is given. |
Attribute attr.string_dict(allow_empty=True, *, configurable=unbound, default={}, doc=None, mandatory=False)
Parameter | Description |
default is True True if the attribute can be empty. |
bool; or unbound;
default is unbound This argument can only be specified for an attribute of a symbolic macro. If For an attribute of a rule or aspect, |
default is {} A default value to use if no value for this attribute is given when instantiating the rule. |
string; or None ;
default is None A description of the attribute that can be extracted by documentation generating tools. |
default is False If true, the value must be specified explicitly (even if it has a default ).
Attribute attr.string_keyed_label_dict(allow_empty=True, *, configurable=unbound, default={}, doc=None, allow_files=None, allow_rules=None, providers=[], for_dependency_resolution=unbound, flags=[], mandatory=False, cfg=None, aspects=[])
Creates a schema for an attribute whose value is a dictionary where the keys are strings and the values are labels. This is a dependency attribute.
This attribute contains unique Label
values. If a string is supplied in place of a Label
, it will be converted using the label constructor. The relative parts of the label path, including the (possibly renamed) repository, are resolved with respect to the instantiated target's package.
At analysis time (within the rule's implementation function), when retrieving the attribute value from ctx.attr
, labels are replaced by the corresponding Target
s. This allows you to access the providers of the current target's dependencies.
Parameter | Description |
default is True True if the attribute can be empty. |
bool; or unbound;
default is unbound This argument can only be specified for an attribute of a symbolic macro. If For an attribute of a rule or aspect, |
dict; or function;
default is {} A default value to use if no value for this attribute is given when instantiating the rule.Use strings or the Label function to specify default values, for example, attr.string_keyed_label_dict(default = {"foo": "//a:b", "bar": "//a:c"}) .
string; or None ;
default is None A description of the attribute that can be extracted by documentation generating tools. |
bool; or sequence of strings; or None ;
default is None Whether File targets are allowed. Can be True , False (default), or a list of file extensions that are allowed (for example, [".cc", ".cpp"] ).
sequence of strings; or None ;
default is None Which rule targets (name of the classes) are allowed. This is deprecated (kept only for compatibility), use providers instead. |
default is [] The providers that must be given by any dependency appearing in this attribute. The format of this argument is a list of lists of providers -- |
default is unbound If this is set, the attribute is available for materializers. Only rules marked with the flag of the same name are allowed to be referenced through such attributes. |
sequence of strings;
default is [] Deprecated, will be removed. |
default is False If true, the value must be specified explicitly (even if it has a default ).
default is None Configuration of the attribute. It can be either "exec" , which indicates that the dependency is built for the execution platform , or "target" , which indicates that the dependency is build for the target platform . A typical example of the difference is when building mobile apps, where the target platform is Android or iOS while the execution platform is Linux , macOS , or Windows .
sequence of Aspects;
default is [] Aspects that should be applied to the dependency or dependencies specified by this attribute. |
Attribute attr.string_list(mandatory=False, allow_empty=True, *, configurable=unbound, default=[], doc=None)
Parameter | Description |
default is False If true, the value must be specified explicitly (even if it has a default ).
default is True True if the attribute can be empty. |
bool; or unbound;
default is unbound This argument can only be specified for an attribute of a symbolic macro. If For an attribute of a rule or aspect, |
sequence of strings; or NativeComputedDefault;
default is [] A default value to use if no value for this attribute is given when instantiating the rule. |
string; or None ;
default is None A description of the attribute that can be extracted by documentation generating tools. |
Attribute attr.string_list_dict(allow_empty=True, *, configurable=unbound, default={}, doc=None, mandatory=False)
Parameter | Description |
default is True True if the attribute can be empty. |
bool; or unbound;
default is unbound This argument can only be specified for an attribute of a symbolic macro. If For an attribute of a rule or aspect, |
default is {} A default value to use if no value for this attribute is given when instantiating the rule. |
string; or None ;
default is None A description of the attribute that can be extracted by documentation generating tools. |
default is False If true, the value must be specified explicitly (even if it has a default ).