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actions ctx.actions



list ctx.aspect_ids

套用至目標的所有面向 ID 清單。僅適用於面向切入點的實作函式。


struct ctx.attr

用於存取屬性值的結構體。這些值由使用者提供 (如未提供,則會使用預設值)。結構體的屬性和值類型,會對應至提供給 rule 函式attrs 字典鍵和值。查看使用範例


root ctx.bin_dir

對應至 bin 目錄的根目錄。


string ctx.build_file_path

相對於來源根目錄,此規則的 BUILD 檔案路徑。


unknown ctx.build_setting_value

目前目標所代表的建構設定值。如果這不是設定 build_setting 屬性的規則例項的上下文,讀取這個值就會發生錯誤。


configuration ctx.configuration



bool ctx.coverage_instrumented(target=None)

傳回是否應在為此規則執行編譯動作時產生程式碼涵蓋率檢測工具,如果提供 target,則為該目標指定的規則。(如果提供非規則或 Starlark 規則目標,則會傳回 False)。檢查目前規則的來源 (如果未提供目標) 或目標來源是否應根據 --instrumentation_filter 和 --instrument_test_targets 設定進行檢測。這與設定中的 coverage_enabled 不同,後者會指出是否要為整個執行作業啟用涵蓋率資料收集,但不會指出是否要為特定目標進行檢測。


參數 說明
target TargetNone;預設為 None
。指定規則的 Target。如果未提供,則預設為目前的規則。


StarlarkValue ctx.created_actions()

如果規則的 _skylark_testable 設為 True,這項作業會傳回 Actions 供應器,代表目前規則至今為止所建立的所有動作。對於所有其他規則,則會傳回 None。請注意,在建立後續動作時,供應器不會更新,因此如果您想檢查這些動作,就必須再次呼叫這個函式。

這項功能可協助您為規則實作輔助函式編寫測試,這些函式可能會接收 ctx 物件,並在該物件上建立動作。


list ctx.disabled_features



ExecGroupCollection ctx.exec_groups

這個規則可用的執行群組集合,並以名稱做為索引。使用 ctx.exec_groups[name_of_group] 存取。


struct ctx.executable

struct 包含在executable=True中標示為標籤類型屬性中定義的可執行檔案。結構體欄位對應至屬性名稱。結構體中的每個值都是 FileNone。如果規則中未指定選用屬性,則對應的結構體值為 None。如果標籤類型未標示為 executable=True,系統就不會產生對應的 struct 欄位。查看使用範例


string ctx.expand_location(input, targets=[])

$(location //x) 替換為目標 //x 的輸出檔案路徑,藉此展開指定字串中的所有 $(location ...) 範本。展開功能僅適用於指向此規則直接依附元件的標籤,或是在選用引數 targets 中明確列出的標籤。如果參照的目標有多個輸出項目,

$(location ...) 就會導致錯誤。在這種情況下,請使用 $(locations ...),因為它會產生以空格分隔的輸出路徑清單。這項功能也能安全地用於單一輸出檔案。

這項功能可讓使用者在 BUILD 檔案中指定指令 (例如 genrule)。在其他情況下,直接操作標籤通常會是較佳做法。


參數 說明
input required
targets Target序列;預設為 []
。 列出其他查詢資訊的目標。
可能會傳回 None


string ctx.expand_make_variables(attribute_name, command, additional_substitutions)

已淘汰。請改用 ctx.var 存取變數。
在展開所有「Make 變數」參照後,會傳回字串。變數必須採用下列格式:$(VAR_NAME)。此外,$$VAR_NAME expands to $VAR_NAME. Examples:
ctx.expand_make_variables("cmd", "$(MY_VAR)", {"MY_VAR": "Hi"})  # == "Hi"
ctx.expand_make_variables("cmd", "$$PWD", {})  # == "$PWD"
Additional variables may come from other places, such as configurations. Note that this function is experimental.



Parameter Description
attribute_name required
The attribute name. Used for error reporting.
command required
The expression to expand. It can contain references to "Make variables".
additional_substitutions required
Additional substitutions to make beyond the default make variables.


list ctx.features

The set of features that are explicitly enabled by the user for this rule. See example of use.


struct ctx.file

A struct containing files defined in label type attributes marked as allow_single_file. The struct fields correspond to the attribute names. The struct value is always a File or None. If an optional attribute is not specified in the rule then the corresponding struct value is None. If a label type is not marked as allow_single_file, no corresponding struct field is generated. It is a shortcut for:
In other words, use file to access the (singular) default output of a dependency. See example of use.


struct ctx.files

A struct containing files defined in label or label list type attributes. The struct fields correspond to the attribute names. The struct values are list of Files. It is a shortcut for:
[f for t in ctx.attr.<ATTR> for f in t.files]
In other words, use files to access the default outputs of a dependency. See example of use.


fragments ctx.fragments

Allows access to configuration fragments in target configuration.


root ctx.genfiles_dir

The root corresponding to genfiles directory.


File ctx.info_file

The file that is used to hold the non-volatile workspace status for the current build request. See documentation for --workspace_status_command for more information.


Label ctx.label

The label of the target currently being analyzed.


structure ctx.outputs

A pseudo-struct containing all the predeclared output files, represented by File objects. See the Rules page for more information and examples.

This field does not exist on aspect contexts, since aspects do not have predeclared outputs.

The fields of this object are defined as follows. It is an error if two outputs produce the same field name or have the same label.

  • If the rule declares an outputs dict, then for every entry in the dict, there is a field whose name is the key and whose value is the corresponding File.
  • For every attribute of type attr.output that the rule declares, there is a field whose name is the attribute's name. If the target specified a label for that attribute, then the field value is the corresponding File; otherwise the field value is None.
  • For every attribute of type attr.output_list that the rule declares, there is a field whose name is the attribute's name. The field value is a list of File objects corresponding to the labels given for that attribute in the target, or an empty list if the attribute was not specified in the target.
  • (Deprecated) If the rule is marked executable or test, there is a field named "executable", which is the default executable. It is recommended that instead of using this, you pass another file (either predeclared or not) to the executable arg of DefaultInfo.


tuple ctx.resolve_command(command='', attribute=None, expand_locations=False, make_variables=None, tools=[], label_dict={}, execution_requirements={})

(Experimental) Returns a tuple (inputs, command, input_manifests) of the list of resolved inputs, the argv list for the resolved command, and the runfiles metadata required to run the command, all of them suitable for passing as the same-named arguments of the ctx.action method.
Note for Windows users: this method requires Bash (MSYS2). Consider using resolve_tools() instead (if that fits your needs).


Parameter Description
command default is ''
Command to resolve.
attribute string; or None; default is None
Name of the associated attribute for which to issue an error, or None.
expand_locations default is False
Shall we expand $(location) variables? See ctx.expand_location() for more details.
make_variables dict; or None; default is None
Make variables to expand, or None.
tools sequence of Targets; default is []
List of tools (list of targets).
label_dict default is {}
Dictionary of resolved labels and the corresponding list of Files (a dict of Label : list of Files).
execution_requirements default is {}
Information for scheduling the action to resolve this command. See tags for useful keys.


tuple ctx.resolve_tools(tools=[])

Returns a tuple (inputs, input_manifests) of the depset of resolved inputs and the runfiles metadata required to run the tools, both of them suitable for passing as the same-named arguments of the ctx.actions.run method.

In contrast to ctx.resolve_command, this method does not require that Bash be installed on the machine, so it's suitable for rules built on Windows.


Parameter Description
tools sequence of Targets; default is []
List of tools (list of targets).


rule_attributes ctx.rule

Rule attributes descriptor for the rule that the aspect is applied to. Only available in aspect implementation functions.


runfiles ctx.runfiles(files=[], transitive_files=None, collect_data=False, collect_default=False, symlinks={}, root_symlinks={})

Creates a runfiles object.


Parameter Description
files sequence of Files; default is []
The list of files to be added to the runfiles.
transitive_files depset of Files; or None; default is None
The (transitive) set of files to be added to the runfiles. The depset should use the default order (which, as the name implies, is the default).
collect_data default is False
Use of this parameter is not recommended. See runfiles guide.

Whether to collect the data runfiles from the dependencies in srcs, data and deps attributes.

collect_default default is False
Use of this parameter is not recommended. See runfiles guide.

Whether to collect the default runfiles from the dependencies in srcs, data and deps attributes.

dict; or depset of SymlinkEntrys; default is {}
Either a SymlinkEntry depset or the map of symlinks to be added to the runfiles. Symlinks are always added under the main workspace's runfiles directory (e.g. <runfiles_root>/_main/<symlink_path>, not the directory corresponding to the current target's repository. See Runfiles symlinks in the rules guide.
dict; or depset of SymlinkEntrys; default is {}
Either a SymlinkEntry depset or a map of symlinks to be added to the runfiles. See Runfiles symlinks in the rules guide.


struct ctx.split_attr

A struct to access the values of attributes with split configurations. If the attribute is a label list, the value of split_attr is a dict of the keys of the split (as strings) to lists of the ConfiguredTargets in that branch of the split. If the attribute is a label, then the value of split_attr is a dict of the keys of the split (as strings) to single ConfiguredTargets. Attributes with split configurations still appear in the attr struct, but their values will be single lists with all the branches of the split merged together.


unknown ctx.super()

Experimental: Calls parent's implementation function and returns its providers


bool ctx.target_platform_has_constraint(constraintValue)

Returns true if the given constraint value is part of the current target platform.


Parameter Description
constraintValue required
The constraint value to check the target platform against.


ToolchainContext ctx.toolchains

Toolchains for the default exec group of this rule.


dict ctx.var

Dictionary (String to String) of configuration variables.


File ctx.version_file

The file that is used to hold the volatile workspace status for the current build request. See documentation for --workspace_status_command for more information.


string ctx.workspace_name

The name of the workspace, which is effectively the execution root name and runfiles prefix for the main repo. If --enable_bzlmod is on, this is the fixed string _main. Otherwise, this is the workspace name as defined in the WORKSPACE file.