http repository rules

The following functions can be loaded from @bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl.

Rules for downloading files and archives over HTTP.


To use these rules in a module extension, load them in your .bzl file and then call them from your extension's implementation function. For example, to use http_archive:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

def _my_extension_impl(mctx):
  http_archive(name = "foo", urls = [...])

my_extension = module_extension(implementation = _my_extension_impl)

Alternatively, you can directly call these repo rules in your MODULE.bazel file with use_repo_rule:

http_archive = use_repo_rule("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
http_archive(name = "foo", urls = [...])

<a id="http_archive"></a>

## http_archive

http_archive(<a href="#http_archive-name">name</a>, <a href="#http_archive-add_prefix">add_prefix</a>, <a href="#http_archive-auth_patterns">auth_patterns</a>, <a href="#http_archive-build_file">build_file</a>, <a href="#http_archive-build_file_content">build_file_content</a>, <a href="#http_archive-canonical_id">canonical_id</a>,
             <a href="#http_archive-integrity">integrity</a>, <a href="#http_archive-netrc">netrc</a>, <a href="#http_archive-patch_args">patch_args</a>, <a href="#http_archive-patch_cmds">patch_cmds</a>, <a href="#http_archive-patch_cmds_win">patch_cmds_win</a>, <a href="#http_archive-patch_tool">patch_tool</a>, <a href="#http_archive-patches">patches</a>,
             <a href="#http_archive-remote_file_integrity">remote_file_integrity</a>, <a href="#http_archive-remote_file_urls">remote_file_urls</a>, <a href="#http_archive-remote_patch_strip">remote_patch_strip</a>, <a href="#http_archive-remote_patches">remote_patches</a>,
             <a href="#http_archive-repo_mapping">repo_mapping</a>, <a href="#http_archive-sha256">sha256</a>, <a href="#http_archive-strip_prefix">strip_prefix</a>, <a href="#http_archive-type">type</a>, <a href="#http_archive-url">url</a>, <a href="#http_archive-urls">urls</a>, <a href="#http_archive-workspace_file">workspace_file</a>,
             <a href="#http_archive-workspace_file_content">workspace_file_content</a>)

Downloads a Bazel repository as a compressed archive file, decompresses it,
and makes its targets available for binding.

It supports the following file extensions: `"zip"`, `"jar"`, `"war"`, `"aar"`, `"tar"`,
`"tar.gz"`, `"tgz"`, `"tar.xz"`, `"txz"`, `"tar.zst"`, `"tzst"`, `tar.bz2`, `"ar"`,
or `"deb"`.

  Suppose the current repository contains the source code for a chat program,
  rooted at the directory `~/chat-app`. It needs to depend on an SSL library
  which is available from This `.zip` file
  contains the following directory structure:


  In the local repository, the user creates a `openssl.BUILD` file which
  contains the following target definition:

      name = "openssl-lib",
      srcs = ["src/"],
      hdrs = ["src/openssl.h"],

  Targets in the `~/chat-app` repository can depend on this target if the
  following lines are added to `~/chat-app/WORKSPACE`:

  load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

      name = "my_ssl",
      url = "",
      sha256 = "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
      build_file = "@//:openssl.BUILD",

  Then targets would specify `@my_ssl//:openssl-lib` as a dependency.

### Attributes

<table class="params-table">
<col class="col-param" />
<col class="col-description" />
<tr id="http_archive-name">

<a href="">Name</a>; required


A unique name for this repository.

<tr id="http_archive-add_prefix">

String; optional


Destination directory relative to the repository directory.

The archive will be unpacked into this directory, after applying `strip_prefix`
(if any) to the file paths within the archive. For example, file
`foo-1.2.3/src/foo.h` will be unpacked to `bar/src/foo.h` if `add_prefix = "bar"`
and `strip_prefix = "foo-1.2.3"`.

<tr id="http_archive-auth_patterns">

<a href="">Dictionary: String -> String</a>; optional


An optional dict mapping host names to custom authorization patterns.

If a URL's host name is present in this dict the value will be used as a pattern when
generating the authorization header for the http request. This enables the use of custom
authorization schemes used in a lot of common cloud storage providers.

The pattern currently supports 2 tokens: <code>&lt;login&gt;</code> and
<code>&lt;password&gt;</code>, which are replaced with their equivalent value
in the netrc file for the same host name. After formatting, the result is set
as the value for the <code>Authorization</code> field of the HTTP request.

Example attribute and netrc for a http download to an oauth2 enabled API using a bearer token:

auth_patterns = {
    "": "Bearer &lt;password&gt;"


        password RANDOM-TOKEN

The final HTTP request would have the following header:

Authorization: Bearer RANDOM-TOKEN

<tr id="http_archive-build_file">

<a href="">Label</a>; optional


The file to use as the BUILD file for this repository.This attribute is an absolute label (use '@//' for the main repo). The file does not need to be named BUILD, but can be (something like may work well for distinguishing it from the repository's actual BUILD files. Either build_file or build_file_content can be specified, but not both.

<tr id="http_archive-build_file_content">

String; optional


The content for the BUILD file for this repository. Either build_file or build_file_content can be specified, but not both.

<tr id="http_archive-canonical_id">

String; optional


A canonical ID of the file downloaded.

If specified and non-empty, Bazel will not take the file from cache, unless it
was added to the cache by a request with the same canonical ID.

If unspecified or empty, Bazel by default uses the URLs of the file as the
canonical ID. This helps catch the common mistake of updating the URLs without
also updating the hash, resulting in builds that succeed locally but fail on
machines without the file in the cache. This behavior can be disabled with

<tr id="http_archive-integrity">

String; optional


Expected checksum in Subresource Integrity format of the file downloaded.

This must match the checksum of the file downloaded. _It is a security risk
to omit the checksum as remote files can change._ At best omitting this
field will make your build non-hermetic. It is optional to make development
easier but either this attribute or `sha256` should be set before shipping.

<tr id="http_archive-netrc">

String; optional


Location of the .netrc file to use for authentication

<tr id="http_archive-patch_args">

List of strings; optional


The arguments given to the patch tool. Defaults to -p0, however -p1 will usually be needed for patches generated by git. If multiple -p arguments are specified, the last one will take effect.If arguments other than -p are specified, Bazel will fall back to use patch command line tool instead of the Bazel-native patch implementation. When falling back to patch command line tool and patch_tool attribute is not specified, `patch` will be used. This only affects patch files in the `patches` attribute.

<tr id="http_archive-patch_cmds">

List of strings; optional


Sequence of Bash commands to be applied on Linux/Macos after patches are applied.

<tr id="http_archive-patch_cmds_win">

List of strings; optional


Sequence of Powershell commands to be applied on Windows after patches are applied. If this attribute is not set, patch_cmds will be executed on Windows, which requires Bash binary to exist.

<tr id="http_archive-patch_tool">

String; optional


The patch(1) utility to use. If this is specified, Bazel will use the specified patch tool instead of the Bazel-native patch implementation.

<tr id="http_archive-patches">

<a href="">List of labels</a>; optional


A list of files that are to be applied as patches after extracting the archive. By default, it uses the Bazel-native patch implementation which doesn't support fuzz match and binary patch, but Bazel will fall back to use patch command line tool if `patch_tool` attribute is specified or there are arguments other than `-p` in `patch_args` attribute.

<tr id="http_archive-remote_file_integrity">

<a href="">Dictionary: String -> String</a>; optional


A map of file relative paths (key) to its integrity value (value). These relative paths should map to the files (key) in the `remote_file_urls` attribute.

<tr id="http_archive-remote_file_urls">

<a href="">Dictionary: String -> List of strings</a>; optional


A map of relative paths (key) to a list of URLs (value) that are to be downloaded and made available as overlaid files on the repo. This is useful when you want to add WORKSPACE or BUILD.bazel files atop an existing repository. The files are downloaded before applying the patches in the `patches` attribute and the list of URLs should all be possible mirrors of the same file. The URLs are tried in order until one succeeds.

<tr id="http_archive-remote_patch_strip">

Integer; optional


The number of leading slashes to be stripped from the file name in the remote patches.

<tr id="http_archive-remote_patches">

<a href="">Dictionary: String -> String</a>; optional


A map of patch file URL to its integrity value, they are applied after extracting the archive and before applying patch files from the `patches` attribute. It uses the Bazel-native patch implementation, you can specify the patch strip number with `remote_patch_strip`

<tr id="http_archive-repo_mapping">

<a href="">Dictionary: String -> String</a>; required


A dictionary from local repository name to global repository name. This allows controls over workspace dependency resolution for dependencies of this repository.<p>For example, an entry `"@foo": "@bar"` declares that, for any time this repository depends on `@foo` (such as a dependency on `@foo//some:target`, it should actually resolve that dependency within globally-declared `@bar` (`@bar//some:target`).

<tr id="http_archive-sha256">

String; optional


The expected SHA-256 of the file downloaded.

This must match the SHA-256 of the file downloaded. _It is a security risk
to omit the SHA-256 as remote files can change._ At best omitting this
field will make your build non-hermetic. It is optional to make development
easier but either this attribute or `integrity` should be set before shipping.

<tr id="http_archive-strip_prefix">

String; optional


A directory prefix to strip from the extracted files.

Many archives contain a top-level directory that contains all of the useful
files in archive. Instead of needing to specify this prefix over and over
in the `build_file`, this field can be used to strip it from all of the
extracted files.

For example, suppose you are using ``, which contains the
directory `foo-lib-1.2.3/` under which there is a `WORKSPACE` file and are
`src/`, `lib/`, and `test/` directories that contain the actual code you
wish to build. Specify `strip_prefix = "foo-lib-1.2.3"` to use the
`foo-lib-1.2.3` directory as your top-level directory.

Note that if there are files outside of this directory, they will be
discarded and inaccessible (e.g., a top-level license file). This includes
files/directories that start with the prefix but are not in the directory
(e.g., `foo-lib-1.2.3.release-notes`). If the specified prefix does not
match a directory in the archive, Bazel will return an error.

<tr id="http_archive-type">

String; optional


The archive type of the downloaded file.

By default, the archive type is determined from the file extension of the
URL. If the file has no extension, you can explicitly specify one of the
following: `"zip"`, `"jar"`, `"war"`, `"aar"`, `"tar"`, `"tar.gz"`, `"tgz"`,
`"tar.xz"`, `"txz"`, `"tar.zst"`, `"tzst"`, `"tar.bz2"`, `"ar"`, or `"deb"`.

<tr id="http_archive-url">

String; optional


A URL to a file that will be made available to Bazel.

This must be a file, http or https URL. Redirections are followed.
Authentication is not supported.

More flexibility can be achieved by the urls parameter that allows
to specify alternative URLs to fetch from.

<tr id="http_archive-urls">

List of strings; optional


A list of URLs to a file that will be made available to Bazel.

Each entry must be a file, http or https URL. Redirections are followed.
Authentication is not supported.

URLs are tried in order until one succeeds, so you should list local mirrors first.
If all downloads fail, the rule will fail.

<tr id="http_archive-workspace_file">

<a href="">Label</a>; optional


The file to use as the `WORKSPACE` file for this repository. Either `workspace_file` or `workspace_file_content` can be specified, or neither, but not both.

<tr id="http_archive-workspace_file_content">

String; optional


The content for the WORKSPACE file for this repository. Either `workspace_file` or `workspace_file_content` can be specified, or neither, but not both.


<a id="http_file"></a>

## http_file

http_file(<a href="#http_file-name">name</a>, <a href="#http_file-auth_patterns">auth_patterns</a>, <a href="#http_file-canonical_id">canonical_id</a>, <a href="#http_file-downloaded_file_path">downloaded_file_path</a>, <a href="#http_file-executable">executable</a>, <a href="#http_file-integrity">integrity</a>, <a href="#http_file-netrc">netrc</a>,
          <a href="#http_file-repo_mapping">repo_mapping</a>, <a href="#http_file-sha256">sha256</a>, <a href="#http_file-url">url</a>, <a href="#http_file-urls">urls</a>)

Downloads a file from a URL and makes it available to be used as a file

  Suppose you need to have a debian package for your custom rules. This package
  is available from Then you can add to your

  load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_file")

      name = "my_deb",
      url = "",
      sha256 = "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",

  Targets would specify `@my_deb//file` as a dependency to depend on this file.

### Attributes

<table class="params-table">
<col class="col-param" />
<col class="col-description" />
<tr id="http_file-name">

<a href="">Name</a>; required


A unique name for this repository.

<tr id="http_file-auth_patterns">

<a href="">Dictionary: String -> String</a>; optional


An optional dict mapping host names to custom authorization patterns.

If a URL's host name is present in this dict the value will be used as a pattern when
generating the authorization header for the http request. This enables the use of custom
authorization schemes used in a lot of common cloud storage providers.

The pattern currently supports 2 tokens: <code>&lt;login&gt;</code> and
<code>&lt;password&gt;</code>, which are replaced with their equivalent value
in the netrc file for the same host name. After formatting, the result is set
as the value for the <code>Authorization</code> field of the HTTP request.

Example attribute and netrc for a http download to an oauth2 enabled API using a bearer token:

auth_patterns = {
    "": "Bearer &lt;password&gt;"


        password RANDOM-TOKEN

The final HTTP request would have the following header:

Authorization: Bearer RANDOM-TOKEN

<tr id="http_file-canonical_id">

String; optional


A canonical ID of the file downloaded.

If specified and non-empty, Bazel will not take the file from cache, unless it
was added to the cache by a request with the same canonical ID.

If unspecified or empty, Bazel by default uses the URLs of the file as the
canonical ID. This helps catch the common mistake of updating the URLs without
also updating the hash, resulting in builds that succeed locally but fail on
machines without the file in the cache. This behavior can be disabled with

<tr id="http_file-downloaded_file_path">

String; optional


Path assigned to the file downloaded

<tr id="http_file-executable">

Boolean; optional


If the downloaded file should be made executable.

<tr id="http_file-integrity">

String; optional


Expected checksum in Subresource Integrity format of the file downloaded.

This must match the checksum of the file downloaded. _It is a security risk
to omit the checksum as remote files can change._ At best omitting this
field will make your build non-hermetic. It is optional to make development
easier but either this attribute or `sha256` should be set before shipping.

<tr id="http_file-netrc">

String; optional


Location of the .netrc file to use for authentication

<tr id="http_file-repo_mapping">

<a href="">Dictionary: String -> String</a>; required


A dictionary from local repository name to global repository name. This allows controls over workspace dependency resolution for dependencies of this repository.<p>For example, an entry `"@foo": "@bar"` declares that, for any time this repository depends on `@foo` (such as a dependency on `@foo//some:target`, it should actually resolve that dependency within globally-declared `@bar` (`@bar//some:target`).

<tr id="http_file-sha256">

String; optional


The expected SHA-256 of the file downloaded.

This must match the SHA-256 of the file downloaded. _It is a security risk
to omit the SHA-256 as remote files can change._ At best omitting this
field will make your build non-hermetic. It is optional to make development
easier but should be set before shipping.

<tr id="http_file-url">

String; optional


A URL to a file that will be made available to Bazel.

This must be a file, http or https URL. Redirections are followed.
Authentication is not supported.

More flexibility can be achieved by the urls parameter that allows
to specify alternative URLs to fetch from.

<tr id="http_file-urls">

List of strings; optional


A list of URLs to a file that will be made available to Bazel.

Each entry must be a file, http or https URL. Redirections are followed.
Authentication is not supported.

URLs are tried in order until one succeeds, so you should list local mirrors first.
If all downloads fail, the rule will fail.


<a id="http_jar"></a>

## http_jar

http_jar(<a href="#http_jar-name">name</a>, <a href="#http_jar-auth_patterns">auth_patterns</a>, <a href="#http_jar-canonical_id">canonical_id</a>, <a href="#http_jar-downloaded_file_name">downloaded_file_name</a>, <a href="#http_jar-integrity">integrity</a>, <a href="#http_jar-netrc">netrc</a>, <a href="#http_jar-repo_mapping">repo_mapping</a>,
         <a href="#http_jar-sha256">sha256</a>, <a href="#http_jar-url">url</a>, <a href="#http_jar-urls">urls</a>)

Downloads a jar from a URL and makes it available as java_import

Downloaded files must have a .jar extension.

  Suppose the current repository contains the source code for a chat program, rooted at the
  directory `~/chat-app`. It needs to depend on an SSL library which is available from

  Targets in the `~/chat-app` repository can depend on this target if the following lines are
  added to `~/chat-app/WORKSPACE`:

  load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_jar")

      name = "my_ssl",
      url = "",
      sha256 = "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",

  Targets would specify `@my_ssl//jar` as a dependency to depend on this jar.

  You may also reference files on the current system (localhost) by using "file:///path/to/file"
  if you are on Unix-based systems. If you're on Windows, use "file:///c:/path/to/file". In both
  examples, note the three slashes (`/`) -- the first two slashes belong to `file://` and the third
  one belongs to the absolute path to the file.

### Attributes

<table class="params-table">
<col class="col-param" />
<col class="col-description" />
<tr id="http_jar-name">

<a href="">Name</a>; required


A unique name for this repository.

<tr id="http_jar-auth_patterns">

<a href="">Dictionary: String -> String</a>; optional


An optional dict mapping host names to custom authorization patterns.

If a URL's host name is present in this dict the value will be used as a pattern when
generating the authorization header for the http request. This enables the use of custom
authorization schemes used in a lot of common cloud storage providers.

The pattern currently supports 2 tokens: <code>&lt;login&gt;</code> and
<code>&lt;password&gt;</code>, which are replaced with their equivalent value
in the netrc file for the same host name. After formatting, the result is set
as the value for the <code>Authorization</code> field of the HTTP request.

Example attribute and netrc for a http download to an oauth2 enabled API using a bearer token:

auth_patterns = {
    "": "Bearer &lt;password&gt;"


        password RANDOM-TOKEN

The final HTTP request would have the following header:

Authorization: Bearer RANDOM-TOKEN

<tr id="http_jar-canonical_id">

String; optional


A canonical ID of the file downloaded.

If specified and non-empty, Bazel will not take the file from cache, unless it
was added to the cache by a request with the same canonical ID.

If unspecified or empty, Bazel by default uses the URLs of the file as the
canonical ID. This helps catch the common mistake of updating the URLs without
also updating the hash, resulting in builds that succeed locally but fail on
machines without the file in the cache. This behavior can be disabled with

<tr id="http_jar-downloaded_file_name">

String; optional


Filename assigned to the jar downloaded

<tr id="http_jar-integrity">

String; optional


Expected checksum in Subresource Integrity format of the file downloaded.

This must match the checksum of the file downloaded. _It is a security risk
to omit the checksum as remote files can change._ At best omitting this
field will make your build non-hermetic. It is optional to make development
easier but either this attribute or `sha256` should be set before shipping.

<tr id="http_jar-netrc">

String; optional


Location of the .netrc file to use for authentication

<tr id="http_jar-repo_mapping">

<a href="">Dictionary: String -> String</a>; required


A dictionary from local repository name to global repository name. This allows controls over workspace dependency resolution for dependencies of this repository.<p>For example, an entry `"@foo": "@bar"` declares that, for any time this repository depends on `@foo` (such as a dependency on `@foo//some:target`, it should actually resolve that dependency within globally-declared `@bar` (`@bar//some:target`).

<tr id="http_jar-sha256">

String; optional


The expected SHA-256 of the file downloaded.

This must match the SHA-256 of the file downloaded. _It is a security risk
to omit the SHA-256 as remote files can change._ At best omitting this
field will make your build non-hermetic. It is optional to make development
easier but either this attribute or `integrity` should be set before shipping.

<tr id="http_jar-url">

String; optional


A URL to a file that will be made available to Bazel.

This must be a file, http or https URL. Redirections are followed.
Authentication is not supported.

More flexibility can be achieved by the urls parameter that allows
to specify alternative URLs to fetch from.

The URL must end in `.jar`.

<tr id="http_jar-urls">

List of strings; optional


A list of URLs to a file that will be made available to Bazel.

Each entry must be a file, http or https URL. Redirections are followed.
Authentication is not supported.

URLs are tried in order until one succeeds, so you should list local mirrors first.
If all downloads fail, the rule will fail.

All URLs must end in `.jar`.
