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Module providing functions to create actions. Access this module using ctx.actions.



Args actions.args()

Returns an Args object that can be used to build memory-efficient command lines.


File actions.declare_directory(filename, *, sibling=None)

Declares that the rule or aspect creates a directory with the given name, in the current package. You must create an action that generates the directory. The contents of the directory are not directly accessible from Starlark, but can be expanded in an action command with Args.add_all(). Only regular files and directories can be in the expanded contents of a declare_directory.


Parameter Description
filename required
If no 'sibling' provided, path of the new directory, relative to the current package. Otherwise a base name for a file ('sibling' defines a directory).
sibling File; or None; default is None
A file that lives in the same directory as the newly declared directory. The file must be in the current package.


File actions.declare_file(filename, *, sibling=None)

Declares that the rule or aspect creates a file with the given filename. If sibling is not specified, the file name is relative to the package directory, otherwise the file is in the same directory as sibling. Files cannot be created outside of the current package.

Remember that in addition to declaring a file, you must separately create an action that emits the file. Creating that action will require passing the returned File object to the action's construction function.

Note that predeclared output files do not need to be (and cannot be) declared using this function. You can obtain their File objects from ctx.outputs instead. See example of use.


Parameter Description
filename required
If no 'sibling' provided, path of the new file, relative to the current package. Otherwise a base name for a file ('sibling' determines a directory).
sibling File; or None; default is None
A file that lives in the same directory as the newly created file. The file must be in the current package.

File actions.declare_symlink(filename, *, sibling=None)

Declares that the rule or aspect creates a symlink with the given name in the current package. You must create an action that generates this symlink. Bazel will never dereference this symlink and will transfer it verbatim to sandboxes or remote executors. Symlinks inside tree artifacts are not currently supported.


Parameter Description
filename required
If no 'sibling' provided, path of the new symlink, relative to the current package. Otherwise a base name for a file ('sibling' defines a directory).
sibling File; or None; default is None
A file that lives in the same directory as the newly declared symlink.


None actions.do_nothing(mnemonic, inputs=[])

Creates an empty action that neither executes a command nor produces any output, but that is useful for inserting 'extra actions'.


Parameter Description
mnemonic required
A one-word description of the action, for example, CppCompile or GoLink.
inputs sequence of Files; or depset; default is []
List of the input files of the action.


None actions.expand_template(template, output, substitutions={}, is_executable=False, computed_substitutions=unbound)

Creates a template expansion action. When the action is executed, it will generate a file based on a template. Parts of the template will be replaced using the substitutions dictionary, in the order the substitutions are specified. Whenever a key of the dictionary appears in the template (or a result of a previous substitution), it is replaced with the associated value. There is no special syntax for the keys. You may, for example, use curly braces to avoid conflicts (for example, {KEY}). See example of use.


Parameter Description
template required
The template file, which is a UTF-8 encoded text file.
output required
The output file, which is a UTF-8 encoded text file.
substitutions default is {}
Substitutions to make when expanding the template.
is_executable default is False
Whether the output file should be executable.
computed_substitutions TemplateDict; default is unbound
Substitutions to make when expanding the template.


None, inputs=[], unused_inputs_list=None, executable, tools=unbound, arguments=[], mnemonic=None, progress_message=None, use_default_shell_env=False, env=None, execution_requirements=None, input_manifests=None, exec_group=None, shadowed_action=None, resource_set=None, toolchain=unbound)

Creates an action that runs an executable. See example of use.


Parameter Description
outputs sequence of Files; required
List of the output files of the action.
inputs sequence of Files; or depset; default is []
List or depset of the input files of the action.
unused_inputs_list File; or None; default is None
File containing list of inputs unused by the action.

The content of this file (generally one of the outputs of the action) corresponds to the list of input files that were not used during the whole action execution. Any change in those files must not affect in any way the outputs of the action.

executable File; or string; or FilesToRunProvider; required
The executable file to be called by the action.
tools sequence; or depset; default is unbound
List or depset of any tools needed by the action. Tools are inputs with additional runfiles that are automatically made available to the action. When a list is provided, it can be a heterogenous collection of Files, FilesToRunProvider instances, or depsets of Files. Files which are directly in the list and come from ctx.executable will have their runfiles automatically added. When a depset is provided, it must contain only Files. In both cases, files within depsets are not cross-referenced with ctx.executable for runfiles.
arguments sequence; default is []
Command line arguments of the action. Must be a list of strings or actions.args() objects.
mnemonic string; or None; default is None
A one-word description of the action, for example, CppCompile or GoLink.
progress_message string; or None; default is None
Progress message to show to the user during the build, for example, "Compiling to create foo.o". The message may contain %{label}, %{input}, or %{output} patterns, which are substituted with label string, first input, or output's path, respectively. Prefer to use patterns instead of static strings, because the former are more efficient.
use_default_shell_env default is False
Whether the action should use the default shell environment, which consists of a few OS-dependent variables as well as variables set via --action_env.

If both use_default_shell_env and env are set to True, values set in env will overwrite the default shell environment if --incompatible_merge_fixed_and_default_shell_env is enabled (default). If the flag is not enabled, env is ignored.

env dict; or None; default is None
Sets the dictionary of environment variables.

If both use_default_shell_env and env are set to True, values set in env will overwrite the default shell environment if --incompatible_merge_fixed_and_default_shell_env is enabled (default). If the flag is not enabled, env is ignored.

execution_requirements dict; or None; default is None
Information for scheduling the action. See tags for useful keys.
input_manifests sequence; or None; default is None
(Experimental) sets the input runfiles metadata; they are typically generated by resolve_command.
exec_group string; or None; default is None
Runs the action on the given exec group's execution platform. If none, uses the target's default execution platform.
shadowed_action Action; default is None
Runs the action using the given shadowed action's inputs and environment added to the action's inputs list and environment. The action environment can overwrite any of the shadowed action's environment variables. If none, uses only the action's inputs and given environment.
resource_set callable; or None; default is None
A callback function that returns a resource set dictionary, used to estimate resource usage at execution time if this action is run locally.

The function accepts two positional arguments: a string representing an OS name (e.g. "osx"), and an integer representing the number of inputs to the action. The returned dictionary may contain the following entries, each of which may be a float or an int:

  • "cpu": number of CPUs; default 1
  • "memory": in MB; default 250
  • "local_test": number of local tests; default 1

If this parameter is set to None or if --experimental_action_resource_set is false, the default values are used.

The callback must be top-level (lambda and nested functions aren't allowed).

toolchain Label; or string; or None; default is unbound

Toolchain type of the executable or tools used in this action. The parameter must be set, so that, the action executes on the correct execution platform.

It's a no-op right now, but we recommend to set it when a toolchain is used, because it will be required in the future Bazel releases.

Note that the rule which creates this action needs to define this toolchain inside its 'rule()' function.

When `toolchain` and `exec_group` parameters are both set, `exec_group` will be used. An error is raised in case the `exec_group` doesn't specify the same.


None actions.run_shell(outputs, inputs=[], tools=unbound, arguments=[], mnemonic=None, command, progress_message=None, use_default_shell_env=False, env=None, execution_requirements=None, input_manifests=None, exec_group=None, shadowed_action=None, resource_set=None, toolchain=unbound)

Creates an action that runs a shell command. See example of use.


Parameter Description
outputs sequence of Files; required
List of the output files of the action.
inputs sequence of Files; or depset; default is []
List or depset of the input files of the action.
tools sequence of Files; or depset; default is unbound
List or depset of any tools needed by the action. Tools are inputs with additional runfiles that are automatically made available to the action. The list can contain Files or FilesToRunProvider instances.
arguments sequence; default is []
Command line arguments of the action. Must be a list of strings or actions.args() objects.

Bazel passes the elements in this attribute as arguments to the command.The command can access these arguments using shell variable substitutions such as $1, $2, etc. Note that since Args objects are flattened before indexing, if there is an Args object of unknown size then all subsequent strings will be at unpredictable indices. It may be useful to use $@ (to retrieve all arguments) in conjunction with Args objects of indeterminate size.

In the case where command is a list of strings, this parameter may not be used.

mnemonic string; or None; default is None
A one-word description of the action, for example, CppCompile or GoLink.
command string; or sequence of strings; required
Shell command to execute. This may either be a string (preferred) or a sequence of strings (deprecated).

If command is a string, then it is executed as if by sh -c <command> "" <arguments> -- that is, the elements in arguments are made available to the command as $1, $2 (or %1, %2 if using Windows batch), etc. If arguments contains any actions.args() objects, their contents are appended one by one to the command line, so $i can refer to individual strings within an Args object. Note that if an Args object of unknown size is passed as part of arguments, then the strings will be at unknown indices; in this case the $@ shell substitution (retrieve all arguments) may be useful.

(Deprecated) If command is a sequence of strings, the first item is the executable to run and the remaining items are its arguments. If this form is used, the arguments parameter must not be supplied. Note that this form is deprecated and will soon be removed. It is disabled with `--incompatible_run_shell_command_string`. Use this flag to verify your code is compatible.

Bazel uses the same shell to execute the command as it does for genrules.

progress_message string; or None; default is None
Progress message to show to the user during the build, for example, "Compiling to create foo.o". The message may contain %{label}, %{input}, or %{output} patterns, which are substituted with label string, first input, or output's path, respectively. Prefer to use patterns instead of static strings, because the former are more efficient.
use_default_shell_env default is False
Whether the action should use the default shell environment, which consists of a few OS-dependent variables as well as variables set via --action_env.

If both use_default_shell_env and env are set to True, values set in env will overwrite the default shell environment if --incompatible_merge_fixed_and_default_shell_env is enabled (default). If the flag is not enabled, env is ignored.

env dict; or None; default is None
Sets the dictionary of environment variables.

If both use_default_shell_env and env are set to True, values set in env will overwrite the default shell environment if --incompatible_merge_fixed_and_default_shell_env is enabled (default). If the flag is not enabled, env is ignored.

execution_requirements dict; or None; default is None
Information for scheduling the action. See tags for useful keys.
input_manifests sequence; or None; default is None
(Experimental) sets the input runfiles metadata; they are typically generated by resolve_command.
exec_group string; or None; default is None
Runs the action on the given exec group's execution platform. If none, uses the target's default execution platform.
shadowed_action Action; default is None
Runs the action using the given shadowed action's discovered inputs added to the action's inputs list. If none, uses only the action's inputs.
resource_set callable; or None; default is None
A callback function for estimating resource usage if run locally.
toolchain Label; or string; or None; default is unbound

Toolchain type of the executable or tools used in this action. The parameter must be set, so that, the action executes on the correct execution platform.

It's a no-op right now, but we recommend to set it when a toolchain is used, because it will be required in the future Bazel releases.

Note that the rule which creates this action needs to define this toolchain inside its 'rule()' function.

When `toolchain` and `exec_group` parameters are both set, `exec_group` will be used. An error is raised in case the `exec_group` doesn't specify the same. toolchain.

None actions.symlink(output, target_file=None, target_path=None, is_executable=False, progress_message=None)

Creates an action that writes a symlink in the file system.

This function must be called with exactly one of target_file or target_path specified.

When you use target_file, declare output with declare_file() or declare_directory() and match the type of target_file. This makes the symlink point to target_file. Bazel invalidates the output of this action whenever the target of the symlink or its contents change.

Otherwise, when you use target_path, declare output with declare_symlink()). In this case, the symlink points to target_path. Bazel never resolves the symlink and the output of this action is invalidated only when the text contents of the symlink (that is, the value of readlink()) changes. In particular, this can be used to create a dangling symlink.


Parameter Description
output required
The output of this action.
target_file File; or None; default is None
The File that the output symlink will point to.
target_path string; or None; default is None
The exact path that the output symlink will point to. No normalization or other processing is applied.
is_executable default is False
May only be used with target_file, not target_path. If true, when the action is executed, the target_file's path is checked to confirm that it is executable, and an error is reported if it is not. Setting is_executable to False does not mean the target is not executable, just that no verification is done.

This feature does not make sense for target_path because dangling symlinks might not exist at build time.

progress_message string; or None; default is None
Progress message to show to the user during the build.


TemplateDict actions.template_dict()

Returns a TemplateDict object for memory-efficient template expansion.


None actions.write(output, content, is_executable=False)

Creates a file write action. When the action is executed, it will write the given content to a file. This is used to generate files using information available in the analysis phase. If the file is large and with a lot of static content, consider using expand_template.


Parameter Description
output required
The output file.
content string; or Args; required
the contents of the file. May be a either a string or an actions.args() object.
is_executable default is False
Whether the output file should be executable.