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Contains information about a Python runtime, as returned by the py_runtimerule.

A Python runtime describes either a platform runtime or an in-build runtime. A platform runtime accesses a system-installed interpreter at a known path, whereas an in-build runtime points to a File that acts as the interpreter. In both cases, an "interpreter" is really any executable binary or wrapper script that is capable of running a Python script passed on the command line, following the same conventions as the standard CPython interpreter.



PyRuntimeInfo PyRuntimeInfo(interpreter_path=None, interpreter=None, files=None, coverage_tool=None, coverage_files=None, python_version, stub_shebang=None, bootstrap_template=None)

The PyRuntimeInfo constructor.


Parameter Description
interpreter_path string; or None; default is None
The value for the new object's interpreter_path field. Do not give a value for this argument if you pass in interpreter.
interpreter File; or None; default is None
The value for the new object's interpreter field. Do not give a value for this argument if you pass in interpreter_path.
files depset of Files; or None; default is None
The value for the new object's files field. Do not give a value for this argument if you pass in interpreter_path. If interpreter is given and this argument is None, files becomes an empty depset instead.
coverage_tool File; or None; default is None
The value for the new object's coverage_tool field.
coverage_files depset of Files; or None; default is None
The value for the new object's coverage_files field. Do not give a value for this argument if you do not also pass in coverage_tool.
python_version required
The value for the new object's python_version field.
stub_shebang string; default is None
The value for the new object's stub_shebang field. If None or not specified, #!/usr/bin/env python3 is used.
bootstrap_template File; or None; default is None


File PyRuntimeInfo.bootstrap_template

The stub script template file to use. Should have %python_binary%, %workspace_name%, %main%, and %imports%. See @bazel_tools//tools/python:python_bootstrap_template.txt for more variables.


depset PyRuntimeInfo.coverage_files

The files required at runtime for using coverage_tool. Will be None if no coverage_tool was provided. May return None.


File PyRuntimeInfo.coverage_tool

If set, this field is a File representing tool used for collecting code coverage information from python tests. Otherwise, this is None. May return None.


depset PyRuntimeInfo.files

If this is an in-build runtime, this field is a depset of Files that need to be added to the runfiles of an executable target that uses this runtime (in particular, files needed by interpreter). The value of interpreter need not be included in this field. If this is a platform runtime then this field is None. May return None.


File PyRuntimeInfo.interpreter

If this is an in-build runtime, this field is a File representing the interpreter. Otherwise, this is None. Note that an in-build runtime can use either a prebuilt, checked-in interpreter or an interpreter built from source. May return None.


string PyRuntimeInfo.interpreter_path

If this is a platform runtime, this field is the absolute filesystem path to the interpreter on the target platform. Otherwise, this is None. May return None.


string PyRuntimeInfo.python_version

Indicates whether this runtime uses Python major version 2 or 3. Valid values are (only) "PY2" and "PY3".


string PyRuntimeInfo.stub_shebang

"Shebang" expression prepended to the bootstrapping Python stub script used when executing py_binary targets. Does not apply to Windows.