Module extensions allow users to extend the module system by reading input data from modules across the dependency graph, performing necessary logic to resolve dependencies, and finally creating repos by calling repo rules. These extensions have capabilities similar to repo rules, which enables them to perform file I/O, send network requests, and so on. Among other things, they allow Bazel to interact with other package management systems while also respecting the dependency graph built out of Bazel modules.
You can define module extensions in .bzl
files, just like repo rules. They're
not invoked directly; rather, each module specifies pieces of data called tags
for extensions to read. Bazel runs module resolution before evaluating any
extensions. The extension reads all the tags belonging to it across the entire
dependency graph.
Extension usage
Extensions are hosted in Bazel modules themselves. To use an extension in a
module, first add a bazel_dep
on the module hosting the extension, and then
call the use_extension
built-in function
to bring it into scope. Consider the following example — a snippet from a
file to use the "maven" extension defined in the
bazel_dep(name = "rules_jvm_external", version = "4.5")
maven = use_extension("@rules_jvm_external//:extensions.bzl", "maven")
This binds the return value of use_extension
to a variable, which allows the
user to use dot-syntax to specify tags for the extension. The tags must follow
the schema defined by the corresponding tag classes specified in the
extension definition. For an example specifying some
and maven.artifact
maven.install(artifacts = ["org.junit:junit:4.13.2"])
maven.artifact(group = "",
artifact = "guava",
version = "27.0-jre",
exclusions = [""])
Use the use_repo
directive to bring repos
generated by the extension into the scope of the current module.
use_repo(maven, "maven")
Repos generated by an extension are part of its API. In this example, the
"maven" module extension promises to generate a repo called maven
. With the
declaration above, the extension properly resolves labels such as
to point to the repo generated by the "maven"
Extension definition
You can define module extensions similarly to repo rules,
using the module_extension
function. However, while repo rules have a number of attributes, module
extensions have tag_class
es, each of which
has a number of attributes. The tag classes define schemas for tags used by this
extension. For example, the "maven" extension above might be defined like this:
# @rules_jvm_external//:extensions.bzl
_install = tag_class(attrs = {"artifacts": attr.string_list(), ...})
_artifact = tag_class(attrs = {"group": attr.string(), "artifact": attr.string(), ...})
maven = module_extension(
implementation = _maven_impl,
tag_classes = {"install": _install, "artifact": _artifact},
These declarations show that maven.install
and maven.artifact
tags can be
specified using the specified attribute schema.
The implementation function of module extensions are similar to those of repo
rules, except that they get a module_ctx
which grants access to all modules using the extension and all pertinent tags.
The implementation function then calls repo rules to generate repos.
# @rules_jvm_external//:extensions.bzl
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_file") # a repo rule
def _maven_impl(ctx):
# This is a fake implementation for demonstration purposes only
# collect artifacts from across the dependency graph
artifacts = []
for mod in ctx.modules:
for install in mod.tags.install:
artifacts += install.artifacts
artifacts += [_to_artifact(artifact) for artifact in mod.tags.artifact]
# call out to the coursier CLI tool to resolve dependencies
output = ctx.execute(["coursier", "resolve", artifacts])
repo_attrs = _process_coursier_output(output)
# call repo rules to generate repos
for attrs in repo_attrs:
_generate_hub_repo(name = "maven", repo_attrs)
Extension identity
Module extensions are identified by the name and the .bzl
file that appears
in the call to use_extension
. In the following example, the extension maven
is identified by the .bzl
file @rules_jvm_external//:extension.bzl
and the
name maven
maven = use_extension("@rules_jvm_external//:extensions.bzl", "maven")
Re-exporting an extension from a different .bzl
file gives it a new identity
and if both versions of the extension are used in the transitive module graph,
then they will be evaluated separately and will only see the tags associated
with that particular identity.
As an extension author you should make sure that users will only use your
module extension from one single .bzl
Repository names and visibility
Repos generated by extensions have canonical names in the form of module_repo_canonical_name+extension_name+repo_name
. Note that the canonical name
format is not an API you should depend on — it's subject to change at any time.
This naming policy means that each extension has its own "repo namespace"; two
distinct extensions can each define a repo with the same name without risking
any clashes. It also means that
reports the canonical name
of the repo, which is not the same as the name specified in the repo rule
Taking repos generated by module extensions into consideration, there are several repo visibility rules:
- A Bazel module repo can see all repos introduced in its
file viabazel_dep
. - A repo generated by a module extension can see all repos visible to the
module that hosts the extension, plus all other repos generated by the
same module extension (using the names specified in the repo rule calls as
their apparent names).
- This might result in a conflict. If the module repo can see a repo with
the apparent name
, and the extension generates a repo with the specified namefoo
, then for all repos generated by that extensionfoo
refers to the former.
- This might result in a conflict. If the module repo can see a repo with
the apparent name
- Similarly, in a module extension's implementation function, repos created
by the extension can refer to each other by their apparent names in
attributes, regardless of the order in which they are created.
- In case of a conflict with a repository visible to the module, labels
passed to repository rule attributes can be wrapped in a call to
to ensure that they refer to the repo visible to the module instead of the extension-generated repo of the same name.
- In case of a conflict with a repository visible to the module, labels
passed to repository rule attributes can be wrapped in a call to
Overriding and injecting module extension repos
The root module can use
to override or inject
module extension repos.
Example: Replacing rules_java
's java_tools
with a vendored copy
# MODULE.bazel
local_repository = use_repo_rule("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:local.bzl", "local_repository")
name = "my_java_tools",
path = "vendor/java_tools",
bazel_dep(name = "rules_java", version = "7.11.1")
java_toolchains = use_extension("@rules_java//java:extension.bzl", "toolchains")
override_repo(java_toolchains, remote_java_tools = "my_java_tools")
Example: Patch a Go dependency to depend on @zlib
instead of the system zlib
# MODULE.bazel
bazel_dep(name = "gazelle", version = "0.38.0")
bazel_dep(name = "zlib", version = "1.3.1.bcr.3")
go_deps = use_extension("@gazelle//:extensions.bzl", "go_deps")
go_deps.from_file(go_mod = "//:go.mod")
patches = [
path = "",
use_repo(go_deps, ...)
inject_repo(go_deps, "zlib")
# patches/my_module_zlib.patch
--- a/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/BUILD.bazel
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "my_module",
importpath = "",
srcs = ["my_module.go"],
- copts = ["-lz"],
+ cdeps = ["@zlib"],
Best practices
This section describes best practices when writing extensions so they are straightforward to use, maintainable, and adapt well to changes over time.
Put each extension in a separate file
When extensions are in a different files, it allows one extension to load repositories generated by another extension. Even if you don't use this functionality, it's best to put them in separate files in case you need it later. This is because the extension's identify is based on its file, so moving the extension into another file later changes your public API and is a backwards incompatible change for your users.
Specify reproducibility
If your extension always defines the same repositories given the same inputs
(extension tags, files it reads, etc.) and in particular doesn't rely on
any downloads that aren't guarded by
a checksum, consider returning
reproducible = True
. This allows Bazel to skip this extension when writing to
the lockfile.
Specify the operating system and architecture
If your extension relies on the operating system or its architecture type,
ensure to indicate this in the extension definition using the os_dependent
and arch_dependent
boolean attributes. This ensures that Bazel recognizes the
need for re-evaluation if there are changes to either of them.
Since this kind of dependence on the host makes it more difficult to maintain the lockfile entry for this extension, consider marking the extension reproducible if possible.
Only the root module should directly affect repository names
Remember that when an extension creates repositories, they are created within
the namespace of the extension. This means collisions can occur if different
modules use the same extension and end up creating a repository with the same
name. This often manifests as a module extension's tag_class
having a name
argument that is passed as a repository rule's name
For example, say the root module, A
, depends on module B
. Both modules
depend on module mylang
. If both A
and B
, they will both try to create a repository named
within the mylang
module and an error will occur.
To avoid this, either remove the ability to set the repository name directly, or only allow the root module to do so. It's OK to allow the root module this ability because nothing will depend on it, so it doesn't have to worry about another module creating a conflicting name.