Bazel Lockfile

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The lockfile feature in Bazel enables the recording of specific versions or dependencies of software libraries or packages required by a project. It achieves this by storing the result of module resolution and extension evaluation. The lockfile promotes reproducible builds, ensuring consistent development environments. Additionally, it enhances build efficiency by allowing Bazel to skip the parts of the resolution process that are unaffected by changes in project dependencies. Furthermore, the lockfile improves stability by preventing unexpected updates or breaking changes in external libraries, thereby reducing the risk of introducing bugs.

Lockfile Generation

The lockfile is generated under the workspace root with the name MODULE.bazel.lock. It is created or updated during the build process, specifically after module resolution and extension evaluation. Importantly, it only includes dependencies that are included in the current invocation of the build.

When changes occur in the project that affect its dependencies, the lockfile is automatically updated to reflect the new state. This ensures that the lockfile remains focused on the specific set of dependencies required for the current build, providing an accurate representation of the project's resolved dependencies.

Lockfile Usage

The lockfile can be controlled by the flag --lockfile_mode to customize the behavior of Bazel when the project state differs from the lockfile. The available modes are:

  • update (Default): Use the information that is present in the lockfile to skip downloads of known registry files and to avoid re-evaluating extensions whose results are still up-to-date. If information is missing, it will be added to the lockfile. In this mode, Bazel also avoids refreshing mutable information, such as yanked versions, for dependencies that haven't changed.
  • refresh: Like update, but mutable information is always refreshed when switching to this mode and roughly every hour while in this mode.
  • error: Like update, but if any information is missing or out-of-date, Bazel will fail with an error. This mode never changes the lockfile or performs network requests during resolution. Module extensions that marked themselves as reproducible may still perform network requests, but are expected to always produce the same result.
  • off: The lockfile is neither checked nor updated.

Lockfile Benefits

The lockfile offers several benefits and can be utilized in various ways:

  • Reproducible builds. By capturing the specific versions or dependencies of software libraries, the lockfile ensures that builds are reproducible across different environments and over time. Developers can rely on consistent and predictable results when building their projects.

  • Fast incremental resolutions. The lockfile enables Bazel to avoid downloading registry files that were already used in a previous build. This significantly improves build efficiency, especially in scenarios where resolution can be time-consuming.

  • Stability and risk reduction. The lockfile helps maintain stability by preventing unexpected updates or breaking changes in external libraries. By locking the dependencies to specific versions, the risk of introducing bugs due to incompatible or untested updates is reduced.

Lockfile Contents

The lockfile contains all the necessary information to determine whether the project state has changed. It also includes the result of building the project in the current state. The lockfile consists of two main parts:

  1. Hashes of all remote files that are inputs to module resolution.
  2. For each module extension, the lockfile includes inputs that affect it, represented by bzlTransitiveDigest, usagesDigest and other fields, as well as the output of running that extension, referred to as generatedRepoSpecs

Here is an example that demonstrates the structure of the lockfile, along with explanations for each section:

  "lockFileVersion": 10,
  "registryFileHashes": {
    "": "8a28e4af...5d5b3497",
    "": "7cd0312e...5c96ace2",
    "": "70390338... 9fc57589",
    "": "7e3a9adf...170d94ad",
    "": "not found",
  "selectedYankedVersions": {
    "foo@2.0": "Yanked for demo purposes"
  "moduleExtensions": {
    "//:extension.bzl%lockfile_ext": {
      "general": {
        "bzlTransitiveDigest": "oWDzxG/aLnyY6Ubrfy....+Jp6maQvEPxn0pBM=",
        "usagesDigest": "aLmqbvowmHkkBPve05yyDNGN7oh7QE9kBADr3QIZTZs=",
        "generatedRepoSpecs": {
          "hello": {
            "bzlFile": "@@//:extension.bzl",
    "//:extension.bzl%lockfile_ext2": {
      "os:macos": {
        "bzlTransitiveDigest": "oWDzxG/aLnyY6Ubrfy....+Jp6maQvEPxn0pBM=",
        "usagesDigest": "aLmqbvowmHkkBPve05y....yDNGN7oh7r3QIZTZs=",
        "generatedRepoSpecs": {
          "hello": {
            "bzlFile": "@@//:extension.bzl",
      "os:linux": {
        "bzlTransitiveDigest": "eWDzxG/aLsyY3Ubrto....+Jp4maQvEPxn0pLK=",
        "usagesDigest": "aLmqbvowmHkkBPve05y....yDNGN7oh7r3QIZTZs=",
        "generatedRepoSpecs": {
          "hello": {
            "bzlFile": "@@//:extension.bzl",

Registry File Hashes

The registryFileHashes section contains the hashes of all files from remote registries accessed during module resolution. Since the resolution algorithm is fully deterministic when given the same inputs and all remote inputs are hashed, this ensures a fully reproducible resolution result while avoiding excessive duplication of remote information in the lockfile. Note that this also requires recording when a particular registry didn't contain a certain module, but a registry with lower precedence did (see the "not found" entry in the example). This inherently mutable information can be updated via bazel mod deps --lockfile_mode=refresh.

Bazel uses the hashes from the lockfile to look up registry files in the repository cache before downloading them, which speeds up subsequent resolutions.

Selected Yanked Versions

The selectedYankedVersions section contains the yanked versions of modules that were selected by module resolution. Since this usually result in an error when trying to build, this section is only non-empty when yanked versions are explicitly allowed via --allow_yanked_versions or BZLMOD_ALLOW_YANKED_VERSIONS.

This field is needed since, compared to module files, yanked version information is inherently mutable and thus can't be referenced by a hash. This information can be updated via bazel mod deps --lockfile_mode=refresh.

Module Extensions

The moduleExtensions section is a map that includes only the extensions used in the current invocation or previously invoked, while excluding any extensions that are no longer utilized. In other words, if an extension is not being used anymore across the dependency graph, it is removed from the moduleExtensions map.

If an extension is independent of the operating system or architecture type, this section features only a single "general" entry. Otherwise, multiple entries are included, named after the OS, architecture, or both, with each corresponding to the result of evaluating the extension on those specifics.

Each entry in the extension map corresponds to a used extension and is identified by its containing file and name. The corresponding value for each entry contains the relevant information associated with that extension:

  1. The bzlTransitiveDigest is the digest of the extension implementation and the .bzl files transitively loaded by it.
  2. The usagesDigest is the digest of the usages of the extension in the dependency graph, which includes all tags.
  3. Further unspecified fields that track other inputs to the extension, such as contents of files or directories it reads or environment variables it uses.
  4. The generatedRepoSpecs encode the repositories created by the extension with the current input.
  5. The optional moduleExtensionMetadata field contains metadata provided by the extension such as whether certain repositories it created should be imported via use_repo by the root module. This information powers the bazel mod tidy command.

Module extensions can opt out of being included in the lockfile by setting the returning metadata with reproducible = True. By doing so, they promise that they will always create the same repositories when given the same inputs.

Best Practices

To maximize the benefits of the lockfile feature, consider the following best practices:

  • Regularly update the lockfile to reflect changes in project dependencies or configuration. This ensures that subsequent builds are based on the most up-to-date and accurate set of dependencies. To lock down all extensions at once, run bazel mod deps --lockfile_mode=update.

  • Include the lockfile in version control to facilitate collaboration and ensure that all team members have access to the same lockfile, promoting consistent development environments across the project.

  • Use bazelisk to run Bazel, and include a .bazelversion file in version control that specifies the Bazel version corresponding to the lockfile. Because Bazel itself is a dependency of your build, the lockfile is specific to the Bazel version, and will change even between backwards compatible Bazel releases. Using bazelisk ensures that all developers are using a Bazel version that matches the lockfile.

By following these best practices, you can effectively utilize the lockfile feature in Bazel, leading to more efficient, reliable, and collaborative software development workflows.

Merge Conflicts

The lockfile format is designed to minimize merge conflicts, but they can still happen.

Automatic Resolution

Bazel provides a custom git merge driver to help resolve these conflicts automatically.

Set up the driver by adding this line to a .gitattributes file in the root of your git repository:

# A custom merge driver for the Bazel lockfile.
MODULE.bazel.lock merge=bazel-lockfile-merge

Then each developer who wants to use the driver has to register it once by following these steps:

  1. Install jq (1.5 or higher).
  2. Run the following commands:
printf '%s\n' "${jq_script}" | less # to optionally inspect the jq script
git config --global   "Merge driver for the Bazel lockfile (MODULE.bazel.lock)"
git config --global merge.bazel-lockfile-merge.driver "jq -s '${jq_script}' -- %O %A %B > %A.jq_tmp && mv %A.jq_tmp %A"

Manual Resolution

Simple merge conflicts in the registryFileHashes and selectedYankedVersions fields can be safely resolved by keeping all the entries from both sides of the conflict.

Other types of merge conflicts should not be resolved manually. Instead:

  1. Restore the previous state of the lockfile via git reset MODULE.bazel.lock && git checkout MODULE.bazel.lock.
  2. Resolve any conflicts in the MODULE.bazel file.
  3. Run bazel mod deps to update the lockfile.