Manage external dependencies with Bzlmod

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Bzlmod is the codename of the new external dependency system introduced in Bazel 5.0. It was introduced to address several pain points of the old system that couldn't feasibly be fixed incrementally; see the Problem Statement section of the original design doc for more details.

In Bazel 5.0, Bzlmod is not turned on by default; the flag --experimental_enable_bzlmod needs to be specified for the following to take effect. As the flag name suggests, this feature is currently experimental; APIs and behaviors may change until the feature officially launches.

To migrate your project to Bzlmod, follow the Bzlmod Migration Guide. You can also find example Bzlmod usages in the examples repository.

Bazel Modules

The old WORKSPACE-based external dependency system is centered around repositories (or repos), created via repository rules (or repo rules). While repos are still an important concept in the new system, modules are the core units of dependency.

A module is essentially a Bazel project that can have multiple versions, each of which publishes metadata about other modules that it depends on. This is analogous to familiar concepts in other dependency management systems: a Maven artifact, an npm package, a Cargo crate, a Go module, etc.

A module simply specifies its dependencies using name and version pairs, instead of specific URLs in WORKSPACE. The dependencies are then looked up in a Bazel registry; by default, the Bazel Central Registry. In your workspace, each module then gets turned into a repo.


Every version of every module has a MODULE.bazel file declaring its dependencies and other metadata. Here's a basic example:

    name = "my-module",
    version = "1.0",

bazel_dep(name = "rules_cc", version = "0.0.1")
bazel_dep(name = "protobuf", version = "3.19.0")

The MODULE.bazel file should be located at the root of the workspace directory (next to the WORKSPACE file). Unlike with the WORKSPACE file, you don't need to specify your transitive dependencies; instead, you should only specify direct dependencies, and the MODULE.bazel files of your dependencies are processed to discover transitive dependencies automatically.

The MODULE.bazel file is similar to BUILD files as it doesn't support any form of control flow; it additionally forbids load statements. The directives MODULE.bazel files support are:

Version format

Bazel has a diverse ecosystem and projects use various versioning schemes. The most popular by far is SemVer, but there are also prominent projects using different schemes such as Abseil, whose versions are date-based, for example 20210324.2).

For this reason, Bzlmod adopts a more relaxed version of the SemVer spec. The differences include:

  • SemVer prescribes that the "release" part of the version must consist of 3 segments: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. In Bazel, this requirement is loosened so that any number of segments is allowed.
  • In SemVer, each of the segments in the "release" part must be digits only. In Bazel, this is loosened to allow letters too, and the comparison semantics match the "identifiers" in the "prerelease" part.
  • Additionally, the semantics of major, minor, and patch version increases are not enforced. (However, see compatibility level for details on how we denote backwards compatibility.)

Any valid SemVer version is a valid Bazel module version. Additionally, two SemVer versions a and b compare a < b iff the same holds when they're compared as Bazel module versions.

Version resolution

The diamond dependency problem is a staple in the versioned dependency management space. Suppose you have the following dependency graph:

       A 1.0
      /     \
   B 1.0    C 1.1
     |        |
   D 1.0    D 1.1

Which version of D should be used? To resolve this question, Bzlmod uses the Minimal Version Selection (MVS) algorithm introduced in the Go module system. MVS assumes that all new versions of a module are backwards compatible, and thus simply picks the highest version specified by any dependent (D 1.1 in our example). It's called "minimal" because D 1.1 here is the minimal version that could satisfy our requirements; even if D 1.2 or newer exists, we don't select them. This has the added benefit that the version selection is high-fidelity and reproducible.

Version resolution is performed locally on your machine, not by the registry.

Compatibility level

Note that MVS's assumption about backwards compatibility is feasible because it simply treats backwards incompatible versions of a module as a separate module. In terms of SemVer, that means A 1.x and A 2.x are considered distinct modules, and can coexist in the resolved dependency graph. This is, in turn, made possible by the fact that the major version is encoded in the package path in Go, so there aren't any compile-time or linking-time conflicts.

In Bazel, we don't have such guarantees. Thus we need a way to denote the "major version" number in order to detect backwards incompatible versions. This number is called the compatibility level, and is specified by each module version in its module() directive. With this information in hand, we can throw an error when we detect that versions of the same module with different compatibility levels exist in the resolved dependency graph.

Repository names

In Bazel, every external dependency has a repository name. Sometimes, the same dependency might be used via different repository names (for example, both @io_bazel_skylib and @bazel_skylib mean Bazel skylib), or the same repository name might be used for different dependencies in different projects.

In Bzlmod, repositories can be generated by Bazel modules and module extensions. To resolve repository name conflicts, we are embracing the repository mapping mechanism in the new system. Here are two important concepts:

  • Canonical repository name: The globally unique repository name for each repository. This will be the directory name the repository lives in.
    It's constructed as follows (Warning: the canonical name format is not an API you should depend on, it's subject to change at any time):

    • For Bazel module repos: module_name~version
      (Example. @bazel_skylib~1.0.3)
    • For module extension repos: module_name~version~extension_name~repo_name
      (Example. @rules_cc~0.0.1~cc_configure~local_config_cc)
  • Apparent repository name: The repository name to be used in the BUILD and .bzl files within a repo. The same dependency could have different apparent names in different repos.
    It's determined as follows:

    • For Bazel module repos: module_name by default, or the name specified by the repo_name attribute in bazel_dep.
    • For module extension repos: repository name introduced via use_repo.

Every repository has a repository mapping dictionary of its direct dependencies, which is a map from the apparent repository name to the canonical repository name. We use the repository mapping to resolve the repository name when constructing a label. Note that, there is no conflict of canonical repository names, and the usages of apparent repository names can be discovered by parsing the MODULE.bazel file, therefore conflicts can be easily caught and resolved without affecting other dependencies.

Strict deps

The new dependency specification format allows us to perform stricter checks. In particular, we now enforce that a module can only use repos created from its direct dependencies. This helps prevent accidental and hard-to-debug breakages when something in the transitive dependency graph changes.

Strict deps is implemented based on repository mapping. Basically, the repository mapping for each repo contains all of its direct dependencies, any other repository is not visible. Visible dependencies for each repository are determined as follows:

  • A Bazel module repo can see all repos introduced in the MODULE.bazel file via bazel_dep and use_repo.
  • A module extension repo can see all visible dependencies of the module that provides the extension, plus all other repos generated by the same module extension.


Bzlmod discovers dependencies by requesting their information from Bazel registries. A Bazel registry is simply a database of Bazel modules. The only supported form of registries is an index registry, which is a local directory or a static HTTP server following a specific format. In the future, we plan to add support for single-module registries, which are simply git repos containing the source and history of a project.

Index registry

An index registry is a local directory or a static HTTP server containing information about a list of modules, including their homepage, maintainers, the MODULE.bazel file of each version, and how to fetch the source of each version. Notably, it does not need to serve the source archives itself.

An index registry must follow the format below:

  • /bazel_registry.json: A JSON file containing metadata for the registry like:
    • mirrors, specifying the list of mirrors to use for source archives.
    • module_base_path, specifying the base path for modules with local_repository type in the source.json file.
  • /modules: A directory containing a subdirectory for each module in this registry.
  • /modules/$MODULE: A directory containing a subdirectory for each version of this module, as well as the following file:
    • metadata.json: A JSON file containing information about the module, with the following fields:
      • homepage: The URL of the project's homepage.
      • maintainers: A list of JSON objects, each of which corresponds to the information of a maintainer of the module in the registry. Note that this is not necessarily the same as the authors of the project.
      • versions: A list of all the versions of this module to be found in this registry.
      • yanked_versions: A list of yanked versions of this module. This is currently a no-op, but in the future, yanked versions will be skipped or yield an error.
  • /modules/$MODULE/$VERSION: A directory containing the following files:
    • MODULE.bazel: The MODULE.bazel file of this module version.
    • source.json: A JSON file containing information on how to fetch the source of this module version.
      • The default type is "archive" with the following fields:
        • url: The URL of the source archive.
        • integrity: The Subresource Integrity checksum of the archive.
        • strip_prefix: A directory prefix to strip when extracting the source archive.
        • patches: A list of strings, each of which names a patch file to apply to the extracted archive. The patch files are located under the /modules/$MODULE/$VERSION/patches directory.
        • patch_strip: Same as the --strip argument of Unix patch.
      • The type can be changed to use a local path with these fields:
        • type: local_path
        • path: The local path to the repo, calculated as following:
          • If path is an absolute path, will be used as it is.
          • If path is a relative path and module_base_path is an absolute path, path is resolved to <module_base_path>/<path>
          • If path and module_base_path are both relative paths, path is resolved to <registry_path>/<module_base_path>/<path>. Registry must be hosted locally and used by --registry=file://<registry_path>. Otherwise, Bazel will throw an error.
    • patches/: An optional directory containing patch files, only used when source.json has "archive" type.

Bazel Central Registry

Bazel Central Registry (BCR) is an index registry located at Its contents are backed by the GitHub repo bazelbuild/bazel-central-registry.

The BCR is maintained by the Bazel community; contributors are welcome to submit pull requests. See Bazel Central Registry Policies and Procedures.

In addition to following the format of a normal index registry, the BCR requires a presubmit.yml file for each module version (/modules/$MODULE/$VERSION/presubmit.yml). This file specifies a few essential build and test targets that can be used to sanity-check the validity of this module version, and is used by the BCR's CI pipelines to ensure interoperability between modules in the BCR.

Selecting registries

The repeatable Bazel flag --registry can be used to specify the list of registries to request modules from, so you could set up your project to fetch dependencies from a third-party or internal registry. Earlier registries take precedence. For convenience, you can put a list of --registry flags in the .bazelrc file of your project.

Module Extensions

Module extensions allow you to extend the module system by reading input data from modules across the dependency graph, performing necessary logic to resolve dependencies, and finally creating repos by calling repo rules. They are similar in function to today's WORKSPACE macros, but are more suited in the world of modules and transitive dependencies.

Module extensions are defined in .bzl files, just like repo rules or WORKSPACE macros. They're not invoked directly; rather, each module can specify pieces of data called tags for extensions to read. Then, after module version resolution is done, module extensions are run. Each extension is run once after module resolution (still before any build actually happens), and gets to read all the tags belonging to it across the entire dependency graph.

          [ A 1.1                ]
          [   * maven.dep(X 2.1) ]
          [   * maven.pom(...)   ]
              /              \
   bazel_dep /                \ bazel_dep
            /                  \
[ B 1.2                ]     [ C 1.0                ]
[   * maven.dep(X 1.2) ]     [   * maven.dep(X 2.1) ]
[   * maven.dep(Y 1.3) ]     [   * cargo.dep(P 1.1) ]
            \                  /
   bazel_dep \                / bazel_dep
              \              /
          [ D 1.4                ]
          [   * maven.dep(Z 1.4) ]
          [   * cargo.dep(Q 1.1) ]

In the example dependency graph above, A 1.1 and B 1.2 etc are Bazel modules; you can think of each one as a MODULE.bazel file. Each module can specify some tags for module extensions; here some are specified for the extension "maven", and some are specified for "cargo". When this dependency graph is finalized (for example, maybe B 1.2 actually has a bazel_dep on D 1.3 but got upgraded to D 1.4 due to C), the extensions "maven" is run, and it gets to read all the maven.* tags, using information therein to decide which repos to create. Similarly for the "cargo" extension.

Extension usage

Extensions are hosted in Bazel modules themselves, so to use an extension in your module, you need to first add a bazel_dep on that module, and then call the use_extension built-in function to bring it into scope. Consider the following example, a snippet from a MODULE.bazel file to use a hypothetical "maven" extension defined in the rules_jvm_external module:

bazel_dep(name = "rules_jvm_external", version = "1.0")
maven = use_extension("@rules_jvm_external//:extensions.bzl", "maven")

After bringing the extension into scope, you can then use the dot-syntax to specify tags for it. Note that the tags need to follow the schema defined by the corresponding tag classes (see extension definition below). Here's an example specifying some maven.dep and maven.pom tags.


If the extension generates repos that you want to use in your module, use the use_repo directive to declare them. This is to satisfy the strict deps condition and avoid local repo name conflict.


The repos generated by an extension are part of its API, so from the tags you specified, you should know that the "maven" extension is going to generate a repo called "org_junit_junit", and one called "com_google_guava_guava". With use_repo, you can optionally rename them in the scope of your module, like to "guava" here.

Extension definition

Module extensions are defined similarly to repo rules, using the module_extension function. Both have an implementation function; but while repo rules have a number of attributes, module extensions have a number of tag_classes, each of which has a number of attributes. The tag classes define schemas for tags used by this extension. Continuing our example of the hypothetical "maven" extension above:

# @rules_jvm_external//:extensions.bzl
maven_dep = tag_class(attrs = {"coord": attr.string()})
maven_pom = tag_class(attrs = {"pom_xml": attr.label()})
maven = module_extension(
    tag_classes={"dep": maven_dep, "pom": maven_pom},

These declarations make it clear that maven.dep and maven.pom tags can be specified, using the attribute schema defined above.

The implementation function is similar to a WORKSPACE macro, except that it gets a module_ctx object, which grants access to the dependency graph and all pertinent tags. The implementation function should then call repo rules to generate repos:

# @rules_jvm_external//:extensions.bzl
load("//:repo_rules.bzl", "maven_single_jar")
def _maven_impl(ctx):
  coords = []
  for mod in ctx.modules:
    coords += [dep.coord for dep in mod.tags.dep]
  output = ctx.execute(["coursier", "resolve", coords])  # hypothetical call
  repo_attrs = process_coursier(output)
  [maven_single_jar(**attrs) for attrs in repo_attrs]

In the example above, we go through all the modules in the dependency graph (ctx.modules), each of which is a bazel_module object whose tags field exposes all the maven.* tags on the module. Then we invoke the CLI utility Coursier to contact Maven and perform resolution. Finally, we use the resolution result to create a number of repos, using the hypothetical maven_single_jar repo rule.