Bazel flag cheat sheet

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Navigating Bazel's extensive list of command line flags can be a challenge. This page focuses on the most crucial flags you'll need to know.

The following flags are meant to be set explicitly on the command line.

Flag Description


You can organize flags in a .bazelrc file into configurations, like ones for debugging or release builds. Additional configuration groups can be selected with --config=<group>.


Bazel should try as much as possible to continue with build and test execution. By default, Bazel fails eagerly.


When using remote execution or caching (both disk and remote), you can signal to Bazel that you want to download all (intermediate) build artifacts as follows:
By default, Bazel only downloads top-level artifacts, such as the final binary, and intermediate artifacts that are necessary for local actions.


Adds build info (user, timestamp) to binaries.

Uncover Build & Test Issues

The following flags can help you better understand Bazel build or test errors.

Flag Description


Shows which flags are implicitly set through user-defined, machine-defined, or project-defined .bazelrc files.


By default, Bazel tries to prevent log spam and does only print compiler warnings and Starlark debug output for packages and subpackages requested on the command line. To disable all filtering, set --auto_output_filter=none.


Lets you drill into sandboxing errors. For details on why Bazel sandboxes builds by default and what gets sandboxed, see our sandboxing documentation.

--subcommands (-s)

Displays a comprehensive list of every command that Bazel runs during a build, regardless of whether it succeeds or fails


Flag Description


You can specify default Bazel options in .bazelrc files. If multiple .bazelrc files exist, you can select which .bazelrc file is used by adding --bazelrc=<path to the .bazelrc file>.


Limits the amount of RAM the Bazel server uses. For example, the following limits the Bazel heap size to 3GB:


Controls Bazel's output tree. Bazel doesn't store build outputs, including logs, within the source tree itself. Instead, it uses a distinct output tree for this purpose.

Bazel tests

The following flags are related to Bazel test

Flag Description


Causes Java tests to wait for a debugger connection before being executed.


The number of times to run tests. For example, to run tests N times, add --runs_per_test=N. This can be useful to debug flaky tests and see whether a fix causes a test to pass consistently.


Specifies the output mode. By default, Bazel captures test output in local log files. When iterating on a broken test, you typically want to use --test_output=streamed to see the test output in real time.

Bazel run

The following flags are related to Bazel run.

Flag Description


Changes how executables are invoked. For example --run_under="strace -c" is commonly used for debugging.

User-specific bazelrc options

The following flags are related to user-specific .bazelrc options.

Flag Description


A path to a directory where Bazel can read and write actions and action outputs. If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created. You can share build artifacts between multiple branches or workspaces and speed up Bazel builds by adding --disk_cache=<path> to your command.


The number of concurrent jobs to run. This is typically only required when using remote execution where a remote build cluster executes more jobs than you have cores locally.


Limits how much CPU or RAM is consumed by locally running actions.


Lets the sandbox create its sandbox directories underneath this path. By default, Bazel executes local actions sandboxed which adds some overhead to the build.

Project-specific bazelrc options

The following flags are related to project-specific .bazelrc options.

Flag Description


Retry each test up to the specified number of times in case of any test failure. This is especially useful on Continuous Integration. Tests that require more than one attempt to pass are marked as FLAKY in the test summary.


A URI of a caching endpoint. Setting up remote caching can be a great way to speed up Bazel builds. It can be combined with a local disk cache.


Force remote build outputs whose path matches this pattern to be downloaded, irrespective of the --remote_download_outputs setting. Multiple patterns may be specified by repeating this flag.


HOST or HOST:PORT of a remote execution endpoint. Pass this if you are using a remote execution service. You'll often need to Add --remote_instance_name=<name>.


The value to pass as instance_name in the remote execution API.


If specified, a timestamp is added to each message generated by Bazel specifying the time at which the message was displayed. This is useful on CI systems to quickly understand what step took how long.


Even with remote execution, running some build actions locally might be faster. This depends on factors like your build cluster's capacity, network speed, and network delays.